Friday, July 6, 2012

hard as nails

hey loves!

long time no read, huh? sorry i've been mia lately. we here in the u.s. had our annual 4th of July celebration this week and i've also been on vacation from work so i've been kinda busy.

here's another one of my newly recent favorite's, it's the sally hansen hard as nails hardener.

as you know a couple of months ago i stop wearing my artificial nails and tried many different hardeners to get some real strength back into my nails and as soon as i purchased this product my nails instantly improved.

it cost about $2 a bottle and it works! i can see on my nails where all the damaged part has not actually grown off and the top half is still very yellow but i have great strength in them thanks to this hardener!

i've been able to let them grow out and actually shape them with only about a month's worth of usage.

if your looking for a perfect hardener this is the way to go! not to mention it is super cheap and affordable!

stay beautiful!

jana <3